Renovation Update: April 2016
Remodeling to Proceed This Year! The Session authorized a contract with Pioneer Construction of Grand Rapids who completed a subcontractor bid process in three phases to meet the total cost goals of the Capital Campaign. The POC will provide updates for the congregation as the process begins and advise how services and access to […]
Temporary storage for FPCTRC
If you saw Brenda’s email, you know that the “where-are-we-going-to-store-everything” during our final phase of construction, has been solved. Jamie Clark has donated storage units that have been “parked” in our parking lot. Brenda has also asked that those who are able, to leave the Bennett Street parking spaces for those with mobility issues. Myrna […]
Christmas Concert
Here is a link to the Christmas Concert. Because it is over an hour in length, you may have to download it to your computer to view.
Sermons Now Available on This Site
We will be posting some of Brenda’s sermons for viewing under the Ministries Tab, as they become available. Read Sunday’s message!
Ramp Construction click here 8.12.15
Here are photos of the construction of the new ramp. An interesting “archeological” photo is the one showing the layers of large stones under the asphalt of the
parking lot. It looks like perhaps an old foundation. Myrna took these pictures, but I wonder if it could have been part of whatever building stood in the […]
News for August 11
Tuesday News for August 11, 2015!!
The Prayer list is attached
Our website is:
Happy Tuesday Everyone, Enjoy Your Week
Happy Anniversary!
First Presbyterian Church Three Rivers-Centreville
177 years August 12, 1838–2015
Meeting Schedule for this Week
~Wednesday Schedule~ Aug. 12
10:00 am Sip & Sew
11:00 am Prayer Time
4:30 pm Building & Grounds Committee Meeting
6:00 pm DASAS
6:30 pm Al-Anon Meeting
~Thursday Schedule~ Aug. 13
10:00 […]