Remodeling to Proceed This Year! The Session authorized a contract with Pioneer Construction of Grand Rapids who completed a subcontractor bid process in three phases to meet the total cost goals of the Capital Campaign. The POC will provide updates for the congregation as the process begins and advise how services and access to the building will occur in the coming months.
The Schedule
- The remodeling will start on May 2 and will be substantially completed by Labor Day. All items will have to be moved out by April 26th to permit access by Pioneer to make safe the construction area.
- At certain times during construction phases, the building will have limited use and access. These times will be posted.
- The POC will do its best to keep members up to date on the stages of construction and access issues through Tuesday News and our website.
- Signage will be found at all entrance doorways directing entrance into the building, and notices by Brenda on Sunday Mornings.
- The project will begin with the remediation of the asbestos in the basement ceiling, and during certain days the use of the church building will be very limited. This phase of the project will remove the asbestos in all the areas where construction will take place.
Parking during construction
- The handicap lot to the east will be open throughout the project.
- Contractors will be using about 30% of the west parking lot for materials staging, dumpsters, and portable toilets.
Signage and Safe Access to the Church
- Contractors will be directed where to park and enter the building
- Posted signs will note hardhat and eyeglass protection areas.
We Need Help….moving
- Deacon Dave Bode will be coordinating those who wish to volunteer to assist moving all items (office furniture, chairs, boxes, etc) from the first floor, beginning the week of April 18th. Please call him at 244-8623 if you can assist with any of these items.
- Through a generous offer by Jaime Clark, we will have containers available for temporary storage of all of the items that will leave the building. Temporary office space will be located in the basement.