We will begin the Season of Lent next Wednesday with a COVID-style observance of Ash Wednesday. On February 17, if you are comfortable and you would like to receive the Imposition of Ashes in person, I will be in the sanctuary from 12 Noon until 1:30 p.m. You may enter the front or on Bennett St. and go directly to the sanctuary. Masks are required and if others are in the sanctuary please remain at least six feet apart as you wait. We have plenty of room to spread out. A brief prayer and ashes will be offered for each person. Pastor Brenda will wear a mask and a fresh ‘applicator’ will be used for each person for the imposition of the ashes.

In addition we will have a brief Zoom Ash Wednesday Service at 6 p.m. During that service you will be invited to present the imposition of Ashes to one another or to yourself. Remember the emphasis is not the material but the symbolic meaning of the mark of the cross that reminds us of our mortality and especially the unpredictability of life during the pandemic. So, here are some ideas for ‘substitute ashes’ that you can utilize at home:

  • Ash from a candle wick
  • Ground up black eye shadow
  • The burnt end of a wine cork
  • ‘local dust;’ soil from the yard or even a potted plant
  • Or….trace the cross water or oil

We will try to make this Season of Lent a memorable and meaningful experience for you. Always remember that God is with us in all things, even as we worship and meditate on God’s grace virtually.

